Categories of Mental Disabilities

Children with mental disabilities also show problems ranging from mild to severe due to the differences in each circumstance. At IQ70+ association, the educational and therapeutic rehabilitation services we provide will vary depending on the different level of mental disabilities.

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mild mentally challenge children


Mild Mentally Challenged Children

After taking part in the training program of basic life skill for a certain period, five of the basic daily self-care skills as mentioned above can be independently accomplished.

Provide them with daily living care and learning opportunities in special school so that the children can be trained on the job skills and competency in the said special school to gain employment opportunity.

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Moderate Mentally Challenged Children

Moderate mentally challenged children need considerable supports in order to accomplish the five basic daily self-care skills fully as they only able to accomplish one or two skills out of five.

Provide them with daily living care and arrange one-to-one living skill training with the physical therapist to ensure their full independence in accomplishing the five basic daily self-care skills so that they are able to be trained on the job skills and competency in special school to gain employment opportunity in the future.

moderate mentally challenged children
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severe mentally challenged children


Severe Mentally Challenged Children

Classified as those who need intensive care. In line with the regulations of the Department of Social Welfare Malaysia (JKMM), a special care attendant can only has a maximum of four severe mentally challenged children under his or her care.

Unable to accomplish the five basic daily self-care skills entirely.

Provide them with daily living care and arrange physical therapy treatment by physical therapist to prevent from muscular dystrophy due to long term inactiveness.

Thank you for your help and supports! It means a lot to us